Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Even though the date says Wednesday, it is currently mid-afternoon on Thursday. I got to teach a Thanksgiving lesson today to my students. I had "story time" with my 13-year olds, and I have never seen them more quiet and attentive. I also played a Thanksgiving Jeopardy game with them, and they got really into it, especially in the end for final jeopardy when they wagered their money. My students had never played Jeopardy before, but I think I got them hooked. During English I had them create hand turkeys to tell what they are thankful for, and we are going to make a mural out of them in our room later.

With the teachers, our professor provided sweets for morning tea, and then Jennifer and I with the help of our wonderful roommate Kimberly cooked Thanksgiving dinner. We cooked 2 turkey roasts, mashed potatoes, and I made green bean casserole. (I hope you are proud, Mom) The teachers really enjoyed it, and it was fun to decorate the teacher's lounge with pumpkins and pilgrims. Apparently no one has had green bean casserole over here, so we had lots of compliments and were asked for the recipe :)

So, despite being thousands of miles away and missing my family, I have had an eventful Thanksgiving so far. Since we can't watch a football game, we are going to see a cricket game after school. The teachers have spent the last 2 days explaining it to Jennifer and me, so hopefully it will make some sense! Apparently cricket test matches can last for 5 days, and sometimes no one even wins! Its no wonder our teachers tell us everyone uses the games as an excuse to drink.

I hope everyone has a wonderful turkey day!


1 comment:

  1. Aww that's great! I'm so glad you got to bring a piece of our history to them and that they enjoyed it so much! Hope the cricket game didn't last for 5 days! And more importantly, I hope you didn't drink the whole time ;)

    Love you girl. I'm so thankful you are in my life, even if you are all the way around the world right now! Keep updating! I look forward to reading all about your adventures!
